ACT human services blueprint.

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ACT Better Services Taskforce
Co-design, strategy, systems design, engagement, alliance development, business case

To develop a collaborative co-design of a Human Services Blueprint – a multi-year plan to improve the way human services are delivered across Canberra.

Human Services Blueprint
Human Services Blueprint
The Human Services Blueprint has been fully endorsed and supported by the ACT Government leading to three major initiatives within a multi-year plan to rebuild citizen centric human services in the Territory.

We supported a joint inter-agency and community task force to define and refine the core purpose and functions of the Blueprint drawing on our rapid cycle collaborative system design method. This also included:

  • Developing archetypal life-course journeys based on population analysis
  • Facilitating a large-scale change conference to road test and refine the straw-man design
  • Contributing to a broad based community consultation

We also used our Viable System Model to provide a detailed design blueprint of a human services system. This easy to understand model worked together in a seamless, integrated way to provide a person-centered and sustainable approach for Canberrans when they needed help.

Click here for more information.