Blueprint 2: A 10-year vision for the mental health and addiction sector.

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New Zealand Mental Health Commission
Co-design, mental health, addiction, engagement, strategy

Synergia was commissioned to lead the core thinking and development of a new Blueprint (Blueprint II) for the mental health and addiction sector. Blueprint II was to build on the foundational Blueprint 1 document (which was now out of date), emphasising a people-centered/Whanau perspective that guides and support funding for New Zealand’s mental health and addiction sector over the next 10 years.

The thinking developed in Blueprint II continues to support reform across the mental health and addiction sector.

We developed Blueprint II by working closely with a diverse range of expert stakeholders across the country, through workshops, consultation processes, interviews, research and analysis. From here, we synthesised a wide range of views, issues and concerns into a coherent whole systems view pertaining to the future of mental health and the addiction sector.

Utilising an innovative life course approach, we developed a different framework which outlined the mental health and addiction issues that people faced. The thinking developed in Blueprint II continues to support reform across the mental health and addiction sector. It also underpins the Ministry of Health’s 2012 Rising to the Challenge – the official mental health and addition service development plan.

Part A and part B of Blueprint II