Developing an Evaluation and Monitoring Framework.

- Client
- Accident Compensation Corporation
- Skills
- Analytics, Informatics, Evaluation, Research
Mates & Dates was introduced as part of ACC’s integrated strategy for violence prevention approved by the ACC Board in 2013 and established in 2014. ACC Mates & Dates is a school-based programme currently delivered in by providers across Aotearoa. The goal of the programme is to teach young people skills to support healthy relationships and prevent sexual and dating violence.

Synergia was asked by ACC to:
- Develop a framework for ongoing evaluation, monitoring and improvement of the programme
- Integrate evaluation and monitoring data, including:
- Provider data on process and implementation
- Student feedback and experiences with the programme
- Provide rapid access to up-to-date evaluation and monitoring data to support improvements
- For ACC, Providers, and Schools
- Use the insights from quantitative data to drive targeted in-depth qualitative exploration with key stakeholders
- Informing ‘deep dives’ with a sample of schools
In the first stage, we worked closely with ACC to develop an evaluation, monitoring and improvement framework to identify opportunities and gaps in existing systems and processes including:
- Inconsistent reporting across Mates & Dates providers
- Different places to collect data
- Manual data integration and management
- Hard to quickly access data on the status of Mates & Dates
This evaluation framework underpinned the development of two online platforms that supports facilitators and ACC in the evaluation, monitoring and improvement of the programme.
The activity platform is shown above, this focusses on monitoring programme status, tracking the completion of modules and sharing surveys. This standardises ACC’s internal processes and supports the ongoing monitoring of Mates & Dates at a national scale. Facilitators can record how many students attended their session and when their sessions and modules are complete and share the link to the online survey. For ACC this means they can track the programme’s reach and timeline at a high level.
The activity platform provides key functions such as
- Schools enrolled under providers
- Forecasting of proposed and active modules
- Module completion
A separate platform was developed to collect the survey findings and organise them into themes to support ACC in their monitoring and evaluation of the Mates & Dates programme.
The survey platform provides key functions such as
- Collection and investigation of survey data
- Navigate data based on population demographics and other variables of interest
- A long-term view of their data to facilitate deep dives to obtain rich qualitative feedback and insights from students about their experiences with Mates & Dates.
To support the development of both these platforms, Synergia worked collaboratively with ACC and providers to design a solution that would meet all needs. Both platforms have tailored views for ACC, Providers and Facilitators. This ensures that all parties have the relevant information to support them in their roles.
Both platforms help ACC to better collect and understand their data. Through this, Synergia can support ACC translate the insights from their data into action and improvements