The development of Te Arawa Whanau Ora.

- Client
- Te Arawa Whanau Ora
- Skills
- Service design, project management, database design, organisational design and business case development
We were tasked with supporting the development of Te Arawa Whanau Ora, a new organisation established to deliver whanau ora (family health services) in the Rotorua district. This included developing its service system, organisational infrastructure, contracting systems and data management.

Prior to our arrival, there was significant focus on structures and governance. Our expert advice was to focus on good whanau ora service design that delivered actual benefits and outcomes for families. Which is exactly what we did.
From here, the requirements for infrastructure and governance were clear and quickly identified. We worked closely with Te Arawa Whanau Ora to develop the necessary organisational infrastructure, emphasising a client-focused approach, with effective systems for tracking needs, activity and outcomes.
Te Arawa Whanau Ora has since experienced rapid growth in their services in Rotorua and other areas, and has become a leading and highly successful whanau ora provider.