Dr Matt Wright.
Matt is the Principal Clinical Lead at Synergia and has been a practicing doctor for 20 years. He has worked at Middlemore Emergency Department since 2008 with over 10 years’ experience in acute primary care as well..
Matt completed an MBA from Cambridge University in 2010, to complement his Urgent Care training and paediatric diploma.
His areas of particular interest are system quality Improvement and outcomes tracking, and he understands the importance of striving for both of these in any new or existing health initiative. He has become adept at data collection, aggregation and clinical interpretation, and supports Synergia by providing clinically meaningful analysis in many projects.
Matt has a deep understanding of urgent and afterhours care and has advised models of care and funding for most of New Zealand, including Northern, Te Manawa Taki and Capital and Coast. He has also supported networks in Australia and the Philippines. Matt is the key clinical advisor for Patient Afterhours and Urgent Access (PAUA) SLAT in Metro Auckland, which has been going for 10 years, and has led much of the data analysis that informs the alliance’s decisions. He chaired the clinical subgroup, composed of the senior clinicians of the EDs, PHOs, UCCs, ACC and St John, and with them created the Indicators for the regional Urgent Care Quality and Outcomes framework.
Matt has been instrumental in the implementation of the Palliative Outcomes Initiative (POI), and was the creator of the monitoring dashboard, so the Hospices of Auckland chief executives could track their performance and review indicators of quality for the POI programme. Palliative Care has become a specialist data area for Matt, through Synergia he supports individual hospices to understand and improve their models of care and the outcomes from these, and provides clinical support to the national hospice data system.
Matt is passionate about quality improvement and mentored junior doctors to practice this and now has developed an approach to giving doctors back their own personal outcomes, for peer learning and personal development. He has offered clinical oversight to a range of ACC projects that Synergia has contracts for, as they aim to change their funding models to become more outcome focussed.
Outside of work, Matt has two sons who are 7 and 5 who keep him and his wife Sha extremely busy. He is found every week over summer on the 20/20 cricket pitches and otherwise keeps fit by burning around on his E bike and coaching football and cricket most weekends.
key projects include key skills includeClinical engagement, facilitation, engagement