Skilled | Passionate | Experienced
Our highly skilled team are the core of Synergia
Paul StephensonPartner
Sarah Appleton (PhD)Managing Partner
David Rees (PhD)Founding Partner and Principal Consultant
Linden Dale-GandarPrincipal Consultant
Dr Matt WrightPrincipal Clinical lead
Sarah AndrewsPrincipal Consultant
Lisa ToiPrincipal Consultant
Dr Felicity WilliamsonPrincipal - Public Health Lead
Sam FarrManager - Lived Experience
Daysha Tonumaipe’aManager - Equity Lead
Jessica AnsariManager
Cam JohnsonSenior Data Analyst
Steven Turnbull (PhD)Senior Data Scientist
Dhruvi PatelSenior Consultant
Eli KliejunasData Analyst
Shona HutchinsonBusiness Support Manager
Our Network
We have a trusted network of organisations who we collaborate with across many assignments. They bring to their work the same values of professionalism, integrity and respect that are all hallmarks of Synergia. This network can be called upon to support projects as and when required. These include people with skills in:
- Māori, Pacific and other cultural advisors
- Health data informatics and analysis
- Value for money approaches and frameworks
- Stakeholder engagement
- Technical and web design